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On the way to Derge, we can enjoy views of black tents of nomads on the pleasant grassland with glaciers and mountains. When you visit a tent, be sure to check the dogs are kept properly! |
At the famous Derge Parkhang (Printing House), Buddhist scriptures are printed with woodblocks in traditional handwork. We can see pilgrims circumambulating around the Parkhang all day long. |
The Khenpo, chief priest, of Gonchen Monastery guided me inside the monastery. He brought me to the back of Buddha statues, as if he tried to avoid my Chinese friend, shaked my hands and started to say, "Oh, you are from Japan! Japanese are friends!" with full smile. Some past experiences taught me that I had to be aware of monks approaching me with too much smile. A drama might begin. :) |
I Love Tibet!>>travel tales>> Derge, the home of Tibetan Sutras